Light of the world...You stepped down into darkness...Opened my eyes, Let me see...Beauty that made this heart adore you...Hope of a life spent with you...Here I am to worship...Here I am to bow down...Here I am to say that you're my God...You're altogether lovely...Altogether worthy...Altogether wonderful to me...King of all days...So highly exalted...Glorious in heaven above...Humbly you came to the earth you created...All for love's sake became poor...

Friday, March 16, 2007


Finally we have "SOMEWHAT" formalise SLC into words, words that allow others to understand the mission of SLC. With a vision, a leader is on a mission. With this, the SLs and SPSLs, with John, Calvin and Jarren, came out with a vision with the key ideas revolving these few key words "cogent", "respectable", "humility", "moral courage" and "confidence".

I sincerely hope that SLs will take ownership of this SLC since they came out with the mission. The journey will be challenging, no doubt we may face some hicupps....but we will learn and become better. The power of SLC is undoubtedly a useful platform for character education among Victorians. Can you imgaine, if this is done correctly, at least 30% of the school will benefit from this program.... to ensure the success of this program, a monitoring system must be set up!

SLs meeting on Wednesday to finalise SLC's vision, mission, structure, process, resource and monitoring system.... be there.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Contribution to nation building

Oh yes yes...thats the yearly income tax that I have to pay. Seems like a lot this year, and that will definitely affect the monthly budget that I set for the coming months.

First 40k, we have to pay 950 dollars
Nest 40k, whatever less than that, at 8.75%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!