Light of the world...You stepped down into darkness...Opened my eyes, Let me see...Beauty that made this heart adore you...Hope of a life spent with you...Here I am to worship...Here I am to bow down...Here I am to say that you're my God...You're altogether lovely...Altogether worthy...Altogether wonderful to me...King of all days...So highly exalted...Glorious in heaven above...Humbly you came to the earth you created...All for love's sake became poor...

Friday, February 16, 2007


This pot of flowers is from my dar. For 2006, I have a pot of orchid,since then until now it hasnt produced any flowers at all. Instead lots of shoots and leaves...

This year, I got this big pot of dunno-what flowers. Pretty isnt it. And lots of flowers.

From my beloved student leaders. It was delivered to me in school. Arent they a sweet bunch of boys. Thank you so much!

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